ProActuary Connect

ProActuary Connect Application Form

Member Application Form
ProActuary Connect is free to join for actuaries across the globe that satisfy the following criteria:

1. You are already registered with ProActuary Jobs (and you have uploaded your CV/Resume).*

2. You are working as an actuary and you have attained at least one actuarial exam.**

If that's you, simply complete this short application to join.
*You do not need to be actively seeking a job to register and to upload your CV/Resume. Being registered simply means you have added your details and CV/Resume to ProActuary Jobs and you are happy for us to contact you if we think there's an actuarial job that may interest you.

**We hope to change this in the future and open up ProActuary Connect to a wider audience.
Choose a password for your account once approved (keep it safe as you will need it to login once approved)
So we can verify your name and information provided. If you do not have a LinkedIn profile, please explain who you work for and where.
It is a requirement for all ProActuary Connect members to have registered on our jobs site, as well as having uploaded their CV/Resume. If you have not yet done so, please go to the ProActuary website ( to do that before continuing. You do not need to be actively seeking a job to register and upload your CV/Resume. It simply means you are happy for us to contact you if we think there are any actuarial jobs that may interest you.
Terms can be read in full here: In particular, please note we ask all members to use their full name on their profile. This helps to ensure professionalism within the community.
We will add this to your profile, which you can easily change at any time. You may want to simply copy and paste your LinkedIn 'About' profile section.
Your opinion here is both valued and appreciated. Be as detailed as you wish. We read every response carefully.